THK - Rotation - Roller Follower

The Roller Follower is a compact bearing with a high-rigidity shaft and a built-in needle bearing. Most suitable as a guide roller for cam mechanisms and linear motion. THK   Rotation   Roller Follower

THK - Rotation - Spherical Plain Bearing

The Spherical Bearing is a heavy-duty self-aligning sliding bearing. Highly resistant to impact loads, this product is most fitted to the oscillating section under slow, heavy loads. THK   Rotation   Spherical Plain Bearing

THK - Rotation - Link Ball

The Link Ball is a spherical slide bearing with a ball stud that provides smooth operation with a minimal clearance. With superb abrasion resistance and large oscillating angle, this product is suitable for the link motion mechanism of various types of automated machines. THK   Rotation   Link Ball

THK - Rotation - Cross-Roller Ring

The Cross Roller Ring is a roller bearing with high rotation accuracy capable of bearing loads in every direction. Because it has orthogonally arranged cylindrical rollers, it can bear loads in every direction. THK   Rotation   Cross Roller Ring

THK - Actuator

Various mechanics products using THK linear guide products. THK   Actuator

THK - Seismic Isolation Module - Model TGS

Model TGS isolation modules enable flexible layouts and are suitable for the partial isolation of heavy loads and seismic floor isolation.
(Maximum load: 3000kg per m2)

Applications: seismic floor isolation, semiconductor manufacturing equipment and large servers
THK   Seismic Isolation   Model TGS

THK - Seismic Isolation Table - Model TSD

Model TSD isolation tables are seismic isolators that function by simply installing them on the floor.
They have been adopted for a wide range of applications, including servers, precision instruments, and works of art.
(Load: 30 to 1200kg) THK   Seismic Isolation   Model TSD

THK - Lubrication Accessories

An assortment of lubrication associated products is available to maintain sufficient lubrication of machines. THK   Lubrication Accessories

NPM Stepping Motor

Stepping motor is a motor that pursues high precision, high torque, and low cost. I have a variety of products available to be various according to customer requirements. In addition, we also support a wide variety of custom correspondence with reduction gear.
* PM type stepping motor
* HB type stepping motor
* Step linear type PM
* HB type linear step NPM Stepping Motor 副本

NPM Controller

Equipped with a pulse control LSI Olympus, it is a product of various motion controller. I am available in a wide range of support proprietary ASIC. Products:
* Motion control board PC expansion bus connection
* Motion controller (board type)
* Motion controller (unit type) NPM Controller 副本

NPM - Board Level Controller

The FMC32 control board allows users to register up to 32 operation patterns and 256 execution sequences and store them internally. The board features the LSI PCD2112 control chip and NP3775E3 driver chip and also allows users to use a USB-to-4-wire serial conversion unit for simplifying writing and saving to the non-volatile memory.
NPM   Board Level Controller

NPM - Board Level Driver

Nippon Pulse offers four driver boards for unipolar and bipolar stepper motors. The AD1111, AD1231, AD1131, and AD1431 are designed to drive 2-phase stepper motors and feature a variety of excitation modes. 
NPM   Board Level Drivers